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Outdoors space cleaning

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Many people look forward to spring as an opportunity to refresh buildings after the winter doldrums, and exterior spring cleaning can be productive and renewing. By adding outdoor cleaning activities to your cleaning checklist, not only do you get a clean and tidy facility but you undoubtedly build a good reputation and keep customers loyal.


In the case of our homes, they are in some sense a reflection of our personality:

by taking care of our homes, making them fresh and presentable after accumulating months of winter grime, we make a better impression on our neighbours and guests.


Outdoor areas include such things as external facades, windows and other surfaces, driving and parking areas, swimming pools, garden furniture, entertainment areas for kids, terraces etc, depending on the type of premises.


For each area, effective results are determined by the appropriate and specific cleaning solution you will adopt.

Building’s exteriors/facades

High-pressure washers are the best solution. The pressure washer takes off dust, chalk, mildew, and old paint using highly pressurized water and it is equally effective on stone, masonry and concrete, to remove light and moderate atmospheric and organic staining.

The IPC high-pressure washer range features compact, reliable and extremely light machines: perfect for basic cleaning operations.


The wider range includes many models, from the most simple with axial pump to the electric induction engine models, top in the domestic range. These models are recommended to clean light types of dirt: compact and handy, yet perfectly suitable for professional use.

Window façades

Window cleaning is definitely one of the hardest jobs to perform: the level of dirt is generally high and, in many cases, you have to work at a considerable height from the ground, with all the risks that this entails.


However, recent innovative technological systems are here to help.


The HighPure systems are the most suitable products: designed to use purified water only and able to reduce cleaning times by up to 75% compared to conventional methods, saving labour costs and ensuring excellent results.


We invite you to read our post about window cleaning.

Driveways, pavements and parking areas

  • In the case of small parking areas, special trolleys with a full range of options can be the answer. IPC trolleys, specifically designed to this purpose, are recommended for global waste collection. Furthermore, bins have pedal-operated lids that let operators work in maximum hygiene and six different bag holders make easy work of separating different types of waste.
  • For wide paved areas that require sweeping and the removal of sand, gravel and dead leaves, the use of a sweeper and scrubber drier is recommended. Walk-behind sweepers with a dirt storage capacity of up to 35l can easily handle small surfaces of up to 300 sqm and are ideal to remove dirt and debris from hard floors. The use of a specific vacuum can also help to make daily cleaning operations easier and faster, like IPC Flowmix whose technology provides the sucking power of a traditional 3-motors-vacuum, making it ideal for vacuuming debris and heavy materials with a remarkable energy consumption saving.
  • For large-scale surfaces, the IPC ride-on vacuum sweepers models equipped with a special “V” shape main brush and the special flap, are highly recommended because ensuring maximum performance for standard and larger debris collection. In addition, the self-levelling mechanical system ensures perfect adherence between brush and floor at all times.
  • For both small and wide areas, cold water high-pressure cleaners are generally brought into operation if there are stubborn stains to remove, e.g. moss, lichen, bird droppings, moisture stains, chewing gum or food residues. Care should be taken to ensure that enough water is available to loosen the dirt easily and transport it away from the area (600 l/h and higher). Hot water high-pressure cleaners are more suitable for removing grease, oil and fuel stains – ideal in parking areas and underground garages. The IPC hot water high-pressure cleaners are equipped with exclusive and advanced electronic systems ensuring higher reliability and reducing maintenance stops and costs.

Swimming pools and hot tubs

Pools require regular maintenance so that they are always ready for use.


They have to be clean and in good condition and, most important of all, they must meet public health standards.


To meet those requirements you need high-pressure washers that can remove stains from the rim of your pool  (even with cold water), vacuums and brushes (when pools are empty and dry).

And for weeds?

IPC Group recommends the Green Jet, a new entry in our range of machines. This hot water machine has been specifically conceived for weed removal.


Totally eco-friendly through environmentally safe hot water technology, its main features sum up sustainability and high productivity: only through the use of hot water can weeds be eliminated without any herbicide.


It is ideal where thermal treatment is needed, wherever pesticides are forbidden: municipalities, public work, agriculture. The excellent results are visible after a few days from the first use: the treatment reduces the regrowth of weeds and ensures the final weed removal starting from the second year.




To know more about our cleaning solutions  send us your request at : we will be pleased to support you.