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In recent years humans have seriously put the environment in danger, emitting tons of carbon emissions in the atmosphere.


Warmer temperatures, more severer storms and downpours and longer drought periods are some of the warning signs that inevitably occur because of global warming.


The threat of climate change requires us to take a sustainable development path to safeguard the environment.

We must be an active part of a big change!

In addition to the adoption of Green policies (CAN THE CLEANING SECTOR BE GREEN?“), Companies must respond to this emergency as soon as possible. How? By investing in the environment and adopting systems that grant activities that perform with the least impact on the Earth.


And this is just the first step …


Today the sensitivity towards the above-mentioned topics is growing. In the last year IPC has achieved two certifications that indicate quality, sustainability and real responsibility regarding the environment.


Let’s discover the certifications in detail.

Carbon Footprint Certification: what is it?

The Carbon Footprint certification indicates the exact amount of CO2 over the entire life cycle of a machine, from construction to disposal.

The certification complies with the requirements of the standard ISO 14067: 2018 (Greenhouse gases – Carbon Footprint of products – Requirements and guidelines for quantification).



Carbon footprint Certification: the benefits

There are many benefits by adopting this certification (for more details, here is the link to our landing page):


  • Participation in Tenders: among the tenders’ requirements, more and more products and services are required with a consistent measurement of their carbon footprint. Companies that certify it are better evaluated.
  • Certification: the CFP value is a real and reliable data. The certification is, in fact, internationally recognized.
  • Sustainable business: knowing a machine’s life cycle impact allows to perform activities that keep or reduce its carbon footprint, ensuring a sustainable and effective business for the future.
  • Telematics: in the scrubber dryers this technology allows you to manage your fleet of machines remotely, monitoring their environmental performance.
  • Corporate commitment: organizations that reduce CO2 emissions enhance their policy and corporate sensitivity towards sustainability.

ReMade in Italy®: what is it?

The ReMade in Italy® certification is another significant piece in the mosaic of environmental sustainability. It attests the percentage of recycled material content within a semi-finished or finished product.


Considering their origin, ReMade in Italy® certified products are the result of the Circular Economy, an economic model that reuse materials in subsequent life cycles, minimizing any type of waste.


Today the aspirators and tools of the innovative IPC “Black is Green” range have obtained further recognition with the ReMade in Italy® certification, which allows to access tenders more successfully.

Talking on sustainability is needed. Adopting it is inevitable.

Investing in sustainability can make the difference, not only for the environment, but for the business too. Bearing in mind the recent market trends, the green approach is strategic for the creation of value and unique economic opportunities.
On the one hand, this approach allows companies to achieve their goals, minimizing waste, costs and impacts on the environment; on the other hand, it gives the company itself higher visibility on society, stimulating the growing sensitivity towards climate issues.


If you’re interested in learning more about IPC certifications, fill out the form at our contact page: we’ll be pleased to answer you.


